Group Members

Group Photo

Heather GreyZhishuo Wang

Dr. Steven Spoel
Principal Investigator
& Group Leader


Heather Grey
Lab Manager


Dr. Zhishuo Wang
ERC Postdoc

Joanna Strachan

Dr. Lindsay Williams
ERC & SBS Postdoc


Dr. Bushra Saeed
ERC Postdoc


Dr. Joanna Strachan BBSRC & ERC Postdoc

Emilien Krempf

Tanya Mathur
Darwin Trust
PhD student


Bob Mason
EASTBIO PhD student


Emilien Krempf
EASTBIO PhD student



Former lab members:

PhD students & staff & visitors


Yuan Cao_Evelyn

Dr. Maiara Piovesana
ERC Postdoc


Yuan Cao (Evelyn)
Edinburgh-Nagoya Joint PhD student


Jade Bleau
EASTBIO PhD student


Michael Skelly

Dr. Lucas Frungillo
BBSRC Discovery Fellow


Dr. Michael Skelly


Jade Bleau
EASTBIO PhD student


Dr. Beatriz Orosa
ERC Postdoc


Prof. Byung-Wook Yun
Vistor from KNU


Dr. Mika Nomoto
Assistant Prof.
Nagoya University

Capilla Mata PerezEleanor Adams.jpgSophie Kneeshaw

Dr Capilla Mata Pérez
AMEF Fellow


Eleanor Adams
Bayer & BBSRC iCASE PhD student


Dr Sophie Kneeshaw
BBSRC PhD student
WT & ERC Postdoc


Francois Dussart

Francois Dussart
SRUC PhD student


James Furniss
BBSRC PhD student


Rumana Keyani
HEC PhD student



BSc / MSc students & visitors


Josie Pritchard
BSc (Hons) student


Mateusz Zielinski
BSc (Hons) student


Daphne Homsma
BSc (Hons) student
RU visitor

Karolina Brzezinska
BSc (Hons) student


Shi Rui Ong
BSc (Hons) student


Jinhang Luo
MSc student


Imogen Stockwell
BSc (Hons) student


Patricia Pena
San Felix
Erasmus+ student


Ka-Wing Wong
BSc Hons. student


Anastasia Sokolidi Royal Society Summer Student


Ashley Carson
BSc Hons. student


Anastasia Karavaeva
BSc Hons. student

Lindsay Williams
BSPP student


Lorna Jackson
BSc Hons. student


Aurore Del Vitto
MSc student



Catriona McIntosh
BSc Hons. student


Silvère Gelineau
MSc student



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